The quality of the products and services provided by INCRO is supported by its Quality Management System, which is implemented in accordance with the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 standard and certified with Certification No. ER-1195/2011.
Our Health & Safety, Environmental and Occupational Welfare policy was established with the aim of protecting our personnel, our customers, and any other third parties involved.
INCRO has been audited by AENOR in relation to Occupational Risk Prevention in accordance with Spanish Royal Decree 39/1997, and was awarded a certificate of compliance (APRL/0183).
INCRO S.A. has also been certified by TÜV SUD as a company specializing in the treatment of water-polluting liquids, in accordance with the Federal Water Act (Wasserhaushaltsgesetz, WHG), with § 62 AWSV.